ARIAL BOLD 14 Title: Capitalize Each Word spacing after 16
ARIAL BOLD 12 Presenting author’s full name underlineda, other author names not underlinedb and asterisk (*) at the corresponding author’s name spacing after 10
aUniversity Affiliation– ARIAL ITALIC 10
bUniversity Affiliation
*e-mail: of the corresponding author
ARIAL 10 The only fonts which can be used are Arial and Symbol. No abstract may go beyond one A4 page. Margins top, left, right, bottom are all 2.5 cm. Document will only be accepted in word version. Please note that the abstract book will be published in gray scale. Chemical structures may be drawn using Chem Draw etc. Figures should be cited in the text in Arial, 10pt. Caption style may also follow the ACS format. For example:
Figure X. Caption of Figure
- Please submit your abstract via our online submission system.
- Deadline for abstract submission is August 31, 2018. The online submission system will be closed on August 31, 2018 at 24:00 hr. Abstracts submitted after the system closure will not be accepted.
- Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent via email to the corresponding author only on or before September 15, 2018. If you have not received the notifying email by September 15, 2018, please contact the secretariat office.
- Presenter is required to pay the registration fee payment not later than October 31, 2018 to have the abstract published in the Congress Abstract Book. Should the author not follow either of these, the congress reserves the right not to include the author’s work in the printed book/e-book.
- Please do not forget to remove all red letters and irrelevant content herein from your abstract.
Keywords: 3-5 words, use 10 pts, Arial font, capitalized initial letter for each word ARIAL 10
REFERENCES ARIAL BOLD 12 before 4pt + 1 line / after 4
- X. Surname, Y. Surname, J. Am. Chem. Soc. Year, volume, pages. ARIAL 10