Assoc. Prof. Chularat Wattanakit
Dr. Supawadee Namuangruk
With climate and energy supply issues, we require advances in the development of various nanostructured materials for future applications. Such a complex task requires the collaboration of various fields. In this section, we bring together both experimental and computational scientists working in this direction, providing us with a molecular-level understanding of reactivity and functions to apply to a practical technology. With active interaction among this variety of researchers, we aim to advance the future use of nanostructured materials to sustain a global circular economy.
Topics in this session include but are not limited to:
- New design of advanced nanostructured porous/non-porous materials
- Advanced Nanostructured catalysts/Electrocatalysts
- Materials and processes for Carbon dioxide capture and conversion
- Simulations of catalytic/electrocatalytic processes for circular economy
- Biomass and biomass-derived compound upgrading to fine-chemicals and materials
- Waste and green-house gas utilization
- New materials for energy and biomass conversion
- Computational materials sciences, including electronic structure calculations, nanomaterial properties, and reaction dynamics
- Materials informatics and machine learning approach
Keynote Speakers
Special Session 1: Advanced Nanostructured Materials for a Global Circular Economy

Prof. Alexander Kuhn
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Groupe Nanosystèmes Analytiques, Université de Bordeaux, France
Nanostructured electrodes as an attractive tool for green chemistry

Prof. Emiel Hensen
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Nanoscale control in catalysis for a sustainable future

Prof. Ming-Kang (Brad) Tsai
Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Invited Speakers
Special Session 1: Advanced Nanostructured Materials for a Global Circular Economy

Prof. Xiaolei Fan
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester, UK
Plasma catalysis: Process intensification at the molecular level

Prof. Neso Sojic
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, University of Bordeaux
Photo-Induced Electrochemiluminescence at Nanostructured Semiconductor Surfaces

Assoc. Prof. Alejandro Montoya
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Sydney, Australia

Prof. Kevin C.-W, Wu
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
MOF-derived Catalysts for Biomass and Plastics Conversion toward Carbon Neutral Society

Prof. Tetsu Yonezawa
Faculty of Engineering,Materials Science and Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan
New oxide state of copper Cu64O for the materials for semiconductor technology

Dr. Kaito Takahashi
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Prof. Evgeny Pidko
ISE/ChemE/TNW/TU Delft, The Netherlands

Prof. Satoshi Watanabe
Department of Materials Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Søren Kegnæs
DTU Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Utilization of CO2 using nanostructured materials

Asst. Prof. Thidarat Imyen
Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) for Advanced Study, Kyoto University, Japan
Macroscopic shaping of monolithic catalyst via crystal-glass transformation of coordination polymer

Dr. Serena Arnaboldi
Chemistry Department, University of Milano
Electromechanical systems for the enantioselective wireless loading and release of fluids

Prof. Lin Zhang
Engineering Research Center for Nanomaterials, Henan University, China
Bulk Electroenzymatic Synthesis with Microelectrodes by Bipolar Electrochemistry

Prof. Li-Hsien Yeh
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Towards Ultrahigh Osmotic Power Harvesting by Metal-Organic Frameworks and Covalent-Organic Frameworks